Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sprang and SuMmer

I hope everyone is as excited about spring as I am.  I have absolutely no idea why some people say that winter is better than summer. The only good thing about winter is the snow, and even then the snow gets mushy or the fun is cut short because if you stay out in it too long then you could lose a toe. Big deal. Summer...ahhh summer never gets old. You can stay outside as long as you want and if you get hot you can go inside and cool off and then head right back out! Plus, you can eat ALL the ice-cream you want!! I know right? You can swim because its not cold, the sun feels great, and you can try to work on your tan but lets face it: that damaged skin aint going nowhere. No offense. Just in case you didn't know: this is the part where you say,"None taken." Have a great spring everyone!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I realize now that i forgot to tell you to add a spoonful of garlic. I made guacamole last night for my family and it turned out pretty great. A little oniony, but still good. Just brush your teeth afterwards. Not saying your breath will smell funny just a....precaution. I said i would find out where guacamole came from in my last post. Turns out guacamole goes all the way back to the aztecs. Did you know avocado has the highest fat content of any fruit. Personally I happen to think its totally healthy. I mean it's a bunch of green stuff in a bowl. How unhealthy can you get?  Just to let you know, this blog will not be all about guacamole. For your information it will be about anything and everything. For starters: I just got home from school-ahh I absolutely cannot stand that word- and i let my cats upstairs -Olive and Hazel- they are the weirdest things thats ever happened to me..literally. My parents hated animals...and now my mom lovessssss them. She talks to them, feeds them, cuddles them. It makes me sick. I'm not sure about my dad but I'm pretty positive he has a soft spot for them. Anyways, I re-named Hazel to skitz. It's short for skitzofrenik. We've recently tried to walk our cats outside with a walker. Some lady at the veterinary said that we could buy them a leash and walk them outside. yeah right. Their cats. Olive will let us put hers on her alright..but Hazel....well lets just say dont try it by yourself if you get my meaning. Then after that: nothing. They'll just lay somewhere on the floor on their sides like their dead and cant move. I have it under control though. I'm teaching them...all you gotta do is pull the leash and they slide really easily. I'll try and upload a picture. It's quite funny. If hazel hears any load noises she'll just freak. and i mean 'freak'. She'll have like an attack and she'll try and run but the leash just yanks her back. It's sad to have a spastic cat. They have so many disadvantages. They cant be like the other kids, its just so heartbreaking. *tear*  pray for skitz... sniffle.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Guacamole, for first-timers:

My name is Kennedy. There's not much to say about myself so i'll just write down tid-bits or stories of my life. This blog of mine could probably be about random, funny experiences or just little facts i thought you might need to know. One wonderful first experience for example: making guacamole for the first time.
Things you might need to know before you start your green filled adventure -besides the tomatoes, which are red- you will need to get the following ingredients:
1.) avocados (green)
2.) limes (green)
3.) tomatoes
4.) onions -if you want-
5.) green peppers (surprise! their green)
6.) and finally, my favorite, cilantro. (green)
 The name of my blog is in fact inspired by Cilantro itself...ahh cilantro, you can eat it, lick it, and make sure to sniff it before mixing it with the other ingredients. In fact, i plan on making a candle one day that smells exactly like cilantro. I'll call it: "The Cilantro Stick of Smelly Goodness" by Kennedy Melton of course. It cant be that hard really. All you gotta do it stick it in a fancy glass cup, add wax, and bam! light the fire!
Bada bing bada boom you now have a Cilantro smelling candle.
On a more serious note: smell it! seriously. You cannot go through life without adding cilantro to something!
Next, you chop all of your ingredients up and throw it in a bowl...did i forget anything?
Oh, and do the avocados last because they turn brown real fast. I wouldn't want to go to somebody's house and see a bunch of vegetables in a bowl with a bunch of brown chunks. Talk about GROSS. I'm just curious but who came up with guacamole anyway?  Stay tuned and I'll make sure to answer that in my next post. Remember all of these ingredients are optional...but then it wouldn't be real guacamole's your choice. Thanks for reading my first post to anybody out there who actually did read this:)
no hard feelings.
Sincerely, Kennedy